About Us

Welcome to Brolly! We work in the field of photography, animation and visual FX.


We do interior photography, advertising photography, product photography, and real estate photography.

Among our clients you’ll find interior magazines such as Elle Decoration UK, and Swedish, Lantliv, Hem & Antik, Må Bra, Allt i Hemmet, Allers, and Hem Ljuva Hem.

We also do product photography for clients such as http://www.proove.sehttp://www.sunteam.se, and the furniture manufacturer Galison Global.

Brolly also worked for many years with the photo agencies Husfoto and SE360, who provides interior film, drone film, photo and 3D material for the real estate market.

Our photo studio is located between Varberg och Falkenberg, 100 km south of Gothenburg.

Here above in the gallery you’ll find some reportage, for example from the magazine Lantliv. Text: Karin Jonsson, Photo: Anna Persson.

Visual FX & Animation

Beside photography, we are also working in the field of animation and visual effects, taking on rotopaint cleanup jobs and similar assignments. Beside being a certified Nuke and Houdini artist Ola’s also familiar working with 3D applications such as 3DS Max, Maya, Adobe After Effects and renderers such as V-Ray, Octane, Mantra and F-storm.

We are looking forward to hear from you and hopefully work with you! In the meantime, check out our clients below in order to see examples of satisfied clients we worked with trough out the years

Contact details:  Give us a ring at +46 735 12 97 36 to reach Ola or +46 735 31 59 84 for Anna, or reach out by email at anna@brolly.se or ola@brolly.se.

Our Clients